Did you know you can reverse your Type 2 diabetes? I did it! Hooray!!
Even though a diabetes nurse told me recently that it's "not possible" to reverse your diabetes after the first couple of years. It is totally possible.
Check out this book: Death to Diabetes. DeWayne McCulley woke up from a diabetic coma - and describes in detail how he reversed the disease. The hospital wanted to amputate his legs but, with the help and support of his mother and daughter, he resisted this and reversed his diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes is a disease of cellular damage. Heal and reverse the damage and you can reverse the disease.
And now, they are saying that where we live can determine whether or not we get diabetes. Environmental pollution may be to blame. This may particularly affect Black people and deprived communities. Click here to read more.
And for more about health issues that specifically relate to Black people, and what we can do about them, click here to download my ebook Why We Need to Heal.